Nome: Number C1000: Numerronius the Divine Giant
Atributo: Luz
Rank: 12 estrelas
Tipo: Demônio/ Xyz
Ataque: 10000
Defesa: 1000
(Anime Card)
5 Level 12 monsters
be destroyed by battle except with "Number" monsters. Negate the
effects of all "C" monsters your opponent controls, also they cannot
attack. At the end of the Battle Phase: Destroy all monsters your
opponent controls, then Special Summon from either player's Graveyard,
as many monsters as possible that were sent from the field to the
Graveyard(s) this turn to your side of the field in face-up Defense
Position. If this card would be destroyed, you can send 1 other monster
you control to the Graveyard instead. Once per turn, during either
player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target
1 monster on the field; destroy that target, then choose 1 "C" monster
from the Extra Deck of the destroyed monster's controller and Special
Summon it to the destroyed monster's controller side of the field,
ignoring the Summoning conditions.