Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Arena será encerrado

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Arena será encerrado

Com menos de um ano de funcionamento, o simulador da Konami suspenderá suas atividades no dia 27 de março deste ano. De acordo com a nota publicada, a suspensão do serviço ocorrerá de forma gradual, obedecendo o seguinte calendário:

28/01/2015: Suspensão do “Premium Partner Recruiting”;
25/02/2015: Suspensão de compras por Miniclip Credits. Compras por Duel Points continuarão após esta data;
27/03/2015: Suspensão de todo o serviço.

Notícia na íntegra:

"Dear fans of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Arena, 
Thanks to all of you for your loyalty and support on Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Arena available on Miniclip.com since June 2014. 
We regret to say that Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Arena will be going offline according to the following schedule. 

2015/01/28 UTC 8:00am:
Termination of "Premium Partner Recruiting" Service. 

2015/02/25 UTC 8:00am:
Termination of Item Micro Transaction Service by Miniclip Credit.
*Purchase by Duel Point is still continued after this date. 

2015/03/27 UTC 8:00am:
Termination of the entire service 

We will commit to support the service until the very last day. 
Once again, we sincerely appreciate your continuous support and hope that you enjoyed this game. 
We look forward to seeing you again with our next great KONAMI games. 

All the best;
From KONAMI Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Arena Team 

*Please contact the customer service of Miniclip if you have any questions regarding this matter. 
*Gameplay or previous data will not be accessible after the termination of the service. 
*The termination date is subject to change without prior notice."

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Arena será encerrado
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